What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion

This is a video from TedEd about persuasion.

Imagine you are one of the world’s greatest violin players, and you decide to conduct an experiment: play inside a subway station and see if anyone stops to appreciate when you are stripped of a concert hall and name recognition. Joshua Bell did this, and Conor Neill channels Aristotle to understand why the context mattered.

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4 responses to “What Aristotle and Joshua Bell can teach us about persuasion”

  1. ib000 says :

    Reblogged this on UrbanaRoman.

  2. Marylin Warner says :

    Maybe music appreciation is like real estate…location, location, location.

    • Count Zero says :

      I think that is too easy. If the concert-organiser posted a message in the subway “The Great Joshua Bell will give a free concert near track 3 on …”, thousands would have gathered to hear (and thereby severely disrupting the subway-service). So it is only partly the location, but of course the location will also have elements of ethos: “this area is known for nice houses”

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